
We work hard every day to create a brighter future

We’ve chosen to put environmental and social sustainability at the forefront of our long-term business strategies.

We support
Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the United Nations established 17 Goals (SDGs) within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs) to promote a better future for the whole of humanity.
Everyone is called upon to do their part: governments, private sectors, and the general public. Companies play an important role in the design and adoption of creative solutions in line with the SDGs.

Sustainable Development Goals

Here are the Goals that we are working on in particular:

Quality education

Bellotti has always put “value” on the future of the younger generations, contributing to their training. In this sense, the company supports the families of its employees, providing them, every year with a scholarship for children enrolled in schools of all levels, from elementary school onwards. In addition, the company periodically organizes collaborations with the Wood Furniture Training Center, and with the Polytechnic University of Milan, as well as hosting young people for work placements, aimed at their entry into the working world.

Gender equality

The company works hard daily to the create an inclusive and work environment based on merit, that encourages talent, and where all people, regardless of gender, can have access to the same career opportunities. This goal is pursued with the knowledge that the diversity of individuals in a workforce can be an advantage for the company, which can in turn create and accelerate creativity and innovation.

Affordable and clean energy

In 2009, Bellotti was one of the first companies to install one of the largest fully integrated solar panel systems on its roof, with a power of 1MW. The system is made up of 4500 panels for a coverage of 10,000 m² of layers, with which it provides around 37% of the company’s energy needs. Since then, the company has produced 11,500MWh of clean energy, feeding around 4,000MWh into the public grid.

Responsible consumption and production

In addition to the production of energy from the use of alternative sources, Bellotti pursues a policy of sustainable consumption and production. This is done through various methods: the replacement of all corporate lighting with low-consumption LEDs; the reduction of processing waste; participating in programs for the reuse and recycling of materials, such as using vavanite (coconut shell flour) for the production of glue; switching to using melamine resins, which require significantly lower hardening temperatures; the choice to work with partners and suppliers who implement the same principles of sustainability.

Life on land

Bellotti also makes responsible choices in the raw materials it chooses to use. The company selects materials in possession of FSC® and PEFC™ certifications which ensure their origins are forests that are managed in a correct and responsible manner, according to rigorous environmental, social, and economic standards.